New Medium

2 minutes



I've started moving my writing over to Medium, for many reasons. I've thought long and hard about it, and I'll expand upon all that later. But for now, head over to

I've set up four main 'channels', or publications in Medium-speke, to organise the work.





This seemed like a good high-level organisation of the things I've frequently written about here over the last 15 years or so. Indeed, long-time readers will probably even recognise their frequently referenced titles. Not everything fits there neatly, but the descriptions below should give you a sense of how and why the writing has been categorised. 


A chair in a room / Concerning the design of interactions, things and experiences. Title via Eliel Saarinen: ”Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context — a chair in a room…”

Butwhatwasthequestion_logo2But what was the question / Essays and journal entries concerning technology and the city. Title lifted from Cedric Price’s “Technology is the answer. But what was the question?”


Dark matter & Trojan Horses / Articles, cases and considerations regarding strategic design practice and thinking.

Iamacamera_logo2I am a camera / Reflecting on places, often cities. The title is lifted from Christopher Isherwood: “I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking.”

I'm not moving everything I've written here, by a long chalk. That would be as unnecessary as it would be tiresome. Rather, I'm selecting the pieces I think may be worth reproducing there. This site will still exist—I don't want broken links—but in moving the selected articles across, I've taken the liberty of fixing up a few things (links, references, reflections) and in particular, exploited Medium's ability to handle large images.

It'll take me a long time to tidy everything up here which, as usual, will be done in the wee small hours, so bear with me. But in the meantime, I hope you find the new place useful, enjoyable. If you do, please hit the 'recommend' button at the bottom of Medium articles, so that others may find them too. Cheers.

I've started moving my writing over to Medium, for many reasons. I've thought long and hard about it, and I'll expand upon all that later. But for now, head over to  I've set up four main 'channels', or publications in Medium-speke, to organise the work. This seemed like a good high-level organisation of the things I've frequently written about…

City of Sound.
Written by Dan Hill since 2001.

More at Medium.


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